Your name in chinese Duke Land
How is Duke Land written in chinese?
Duke Land in simplified chinese:
Duke Land in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Duke Land in chinese?
Duke Land transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Duke Land in chinese:
Picture of the name Duke Land in chinese:

Meaning of Duke Land characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
杜 | stop, prevent; restrict; surname |
克 | gram; overcome; transliteration |
地 | earth; soil, ground; region |
Example sentences that contain Duke Land in chinese:
Duke Land is studying italian
Duke Land and Haylee are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Juan Pa | 娟霸 |
Alba Pilar | 阿尔巴皮拉尔 |
Jan | 简 |
Anes | 安尼斯 |
Marimar | 马里马尔 |
Nayomi | 名由美 |
Akuoc | 阿库克 |
Stephenm | 斯蒂芬姆 |
Laury | 劳里 |
Aaira | 爱良 |