Your name in chinese Dulce Nombre

How is Dulce Nombre written in chinese?

Dulce Nombre in simplified chinese:


Dulce Nombre in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Dulce Nombre in chinese?

Dulce Nombre transcribed to pinyin:

tián mì dí míng zì

Pronunciation of Dulce Nombre in chinese:

Picture of the name Dulce Nombre in chinese:

The name Dulce Nombre in chinese characters

Meaning of Dulce Nombre characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sweet, sweetness
honey; sweet; nectar
possessive, adjectival suffix
name, rank, title, position
letter, character, word

Example sentences that contain Dulce Nombre in chinese:

Dulce Nombre wants to go to Japan


tiánmìdímíngzì xiǎng qù rìběn

Dulce Nombre's favorite color is white


tiánmìdímíngzì zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Dulce Nombre now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Dulce Nombre in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Joisel 约瑟尔
Shadya 沙迪亚
Jaydin 贾登
Aron 阿龙
Google 谷歌
Hedi 赫迪
Hernan 赫南
Arane 阿兰
Pappitson 帕皮森
Uparela 乌帕雷拉

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