Your name in chinese Dumpling

How is Dumpling written in chinese?

Dumpling in simplified chinese:


Dumpling in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Dumpling in chinese?

Dumpling transcribed to pinyin:

jiǎo zǐ

Pronunciation of Dumpling in chinese:

Picture of the name Dumpling in chinese:

The name Dumpling in chinese characters

Meaning of Dumpling characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
stuffed dumplings
offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch

Example sentences that contain Dumpling in chinese:

Dumpling's friend has six cats


jiǎozǐ de péngyǒu yǒu liù zhī māo

Dumpling's favorite fruit is the handle


jiǎozǐ zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì mángguǒ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Spiro 斯皮罗
Damien 达米安
Bia 比亚
Badami 巴达米
Annaick 安娜尼克
Ittai 伊泰
Suka 苏卡
Fatim 法蒂姆
Leocadio 莱奥卡迪奥
Marileida 马里莱达

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