Your name in chinese Duvan

How is Duvan written in chinese?

Duvan in simplified chinese:


Duvan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Duvan in chinese?

Duvan transcribed to pinyin:

dù wàn

Pronunciation of Duvan in chinese:

Picture of the name Duvan in chinese:

The name Duvan in chinese characters

Meaning of Duvan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
stop, prevent; restrict; surname
ten thousand; innumerable

Example sentences that contain Duvan in chinese:

Duvan's favorite fruit is the orange


dùwàn zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Duvan wants to go to Italy


dùwàn xiǎng qù yìdàlì

Duvan now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jose Granda 何塞·格兰达
David Tobias 大卫托拜厄斯
Leopoldine 利奥波丁
Dayra 代拉
Chahine 夏欣
Aitane 艾塔尼
Rosabella 罗莎贝拉
Fabriccio 法布里乔
Maria Yolanda 玛丽亚·约兰达

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