Your name in chinese Earth

How is Earth written in chinese?

Earth in simplified chinese:


Earth in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Earth in chinese?

Earth transcribed to pinyin:

dì qiú

Pronunciation of Earth in chinese:

Picture of the name Earth in chinese:

The name Earth in chinese characters

Meaning of Earth characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
earth; soil, ground; region
ball, sphere, globe; round

Example sentences that contain Earth in chinese:

Earth's favorite fruit is the pineapple


dìqiú zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì bōluó

Earth wants to go to Russia


dìqiú xiǎng qù éguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Valeria Rascon 瓦莱里娅·拉斯孔
Mitsuki 美月
Susan 苏珊
Ramon Maria 拉蒙·玛丽亚
Anouchka 阿努奇卡
Alcide 阿尔西德
Maelly 麦莉
Sotiria 索蒂里亚
Janpier 扬皮尔
Kajal 卡哈尔

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