Your name in chinese Eddy Tally

How is Eddy Tally written in chinese?

Eddy Tally in simplified chinese:


Eddy Tally in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Eddy Tally in chinese?

Eddy Tally transcribed to pinyin:

wō liú lǐ huò

Pronunciation of Eddy Tally in chinese:

Picture of the name Eddy Tally in chinese:

The name Eddy Tally in chinese characters

Meaning of Eddy Tally characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
swirl, whirlpool, eddy
flow, circulate, drift; class
reason, logic; manage
goods, commodities, products

Example sentences that contain Eddy Tally in chinese:

Eddy Tally's friend has seven televisions


wōliúlǐhuò de péngyǒu yǒu qī tái diànshì

Eddy Tally is studying french


wōliúlǐhuò zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Eddy Tally now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Gianella 贾内拉
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Kendra 肯德拉
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Dhani 达尼
Marc Aurele 马克·奥勒莱
Clovis 克洛维斯
Chumpo 春波
Adrienne 艾德丽安

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