Your name in chinese Eddy Tally
How is Eddy Tally written in chinese?
Eddy Tally in simplified chinese:
Eddy Tally in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Eddy Tally in chinese?
Eddy Tally transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Eddy Tally in chinese:
Picture of the name Eddy Tally in chinese:

Meaning of Eddy Tally characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
涡 | swirl, whirlpool, eddy |
流 | flow, circulate, drift; class |
理 | reason, logic; manage |
货 | goods, commodities, products |
Example sentences that contain Eddy Tally in chinese:
Eddy Tally's friend has seven televisions
Eddy Tally is studying french
Eddy Tally now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Eddy Tally in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Gianella | 贾内拉 |
Izuki | 伊月 |
Kendra | 肯德拉 |
Waisurii | 怀苏里 |
Hijirihara Kane | 土原凯恩 |
Dhani | 达尼 |
Marc Aurele | 马克·奥勒莱 |
Clovis | 克洛维斯 |
Chumpo | 春波 |
Adrienne | 艾德丽安 |