Your name in chinese Elio

How is Elio written in chinese?

Elio in simplified chinese:


Elio in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Elio in chinese?

Elio transcribed to pinyin:

āi lǐ ào

Pronunciation of Elio in chinese:

Picture of the name Elio in chinese:

The name Elio in chinese characters

Meaning of Elio characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
fine dust, dirt
unit of distance; village; lane
mysterious, obscure, profound

Example sentences that contain Elio in chinese:

Elio wants to go to Mexico


āilǐào xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Elio's favorite fruit is the pear


āilǐào zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì lízi

Elio now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Gema 杰玛
Sandrith 桑德里斯
Shya 夏亚
Kerry 克里
Josias 约西亚斯
Elysa 艾丽莎
Lora 洛拉
Rhubarb 大黄
Hely 赫利
Colby 科尔比

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