Your name in chinese Elmar

How is Elmar written in chinese?

Elmar in simplified chinese:


Elmar in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Elmar in chinese?

Elmar transcribed to pinyin:

āi ěr mǎ

Pronunciation of Elmar in chinese:

Picture of the name Elmar in chinese:

The name Elmar in chinese characters

Meaning of Elmar characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
fine dust, dirt
you; that, those; final particle
agate; cornelian

Example sentences that contain Elmar in chinese:

Elmar has given three televisions a Louissa


āiěrmǎ gěi lùyìshā sòngle sān tái diànshì

Elmar and Louissa are very good friends


āiěrmǎ hé lùyìshā shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Bilie 比列
Leeven 利文
Malonn 马龙
Geisson 盖松
Santamaria 圣玛丽亚
Adrija 阿德里亚
Bebo 贝博
Naoua 纳瓦
Extefana 埃斯特法纳
Abel Timoteo 阿贝尔·蒂莫特奥

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