Your name in chinese Emilio Jesus
How is Emilio Jesus written in chinese?
Emilio Jesus in simplified chinese:
Emilio Jesus in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Emilio Jesus in chinese?
Emilio Jesus transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Emilio Jesus in chinese:
Picture of the name Emilio Jesus in chinese:

Meaning of Emilio Jesus characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
埃 | fine dust, dirt |
米 | hulled or husked uncooked rice |
利 | gains, advantage, profit, merit |
奥 | mysterious, obscure, profound |
· | Meaning not available |
耶 | used in transliteration |
稣 | revive, to rise again; collect |
Example sentences that contain Emilio Jesus in chinese:
Emilio Jesus is studying english
Emilio Jesus wants to go to USA
Emilio Jesus now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Emilio Jesus in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Samia | 萨米亚 |
Jayney | 杰尼 |
Julinet | 朱丽叶 |
Silvia Susana | 西尔维娅·苏珊娜 |
Blanco | 布兰科 |
Yadiel | 亚迪尔 |
Mink | 貂 |
Kaylenne | 凯伦 |
Bruce | 布鲁斯 |
Kyrie | 凯里 |