Your name in chinese Emin
How is Emin written in chinese?
Emin in simplified chinese:
Emin in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Emin in chinese?
Emin transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Emin in chinese:
Picture of the name Emin in chinese:

Meaning of Emin characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
艾 | artemisia, mugwort; translit. |
敏 | fast, quick, clever, smart |
Example sentences that contain Emin in chinese:
Emin has given six dogs a Lilou
Emin wants to go to Spain
Emin now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Emin in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Dangelo | 丹吉洛 |
Shailyn | 谢琳 |
Magdee | 马格迪 |
Estrella Caida | 埃斯特雷拉·凯达 |
Cindya | 辛迪亚 |
Lirassa | 利拉萨 |
Adina | 阿迪娜 |
Novalee | 诺瓦莉 |
Preston | 普雷斯顿 |
Dincy | 丁西 |