Your name in chinese Emyliu

How is Emyliu written in chinese?

Emyliu in simplified chinese:


Emyliu in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Emyliu in chinese?

Emyliu transcribed to pinyin:

āi mǐ liǔ

Pronunciation of Emyliu in chinese:

Picture of the name Emyliu in chinese:

The name Emyliu in chinese characters

Meaning of Emyliu characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
fine dust, dirt
hulled or husked uncooked rice
willow tree; pleasure

Example sentences that contain Emyliu in chinese:

Emyliu is studying russian


āimǐliǔ zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Emyliu wants to go to France


āimǐliǔ xiǎng qù fàguó

Emyliu now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Emyliu in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Zayneb 扎内布
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Nalani 纳拉尼
Sarah Monique 莎拉·莫妮克
Singh Batra 辛格·巴特拉
Giselia 吉塞利亚
Deily 代利
Kihanna 基哈娜
Ponce 庞塞

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