Your name in chinese Eniola

How is Eniola written in chinese?

Eniola in simplified chinese:


Eniola in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Eniola in chinese?

Eniola transcribed to pinyin:

āi ní ào lā

Pronunciation of Eniola in chinese:

Picture of the name Eniola in chinese:

The name Eniola in chinese characters

Meaning of Eniola characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
fine dust, dirt
Buddhist nun; transliteration
mysterious, obscure, profound
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen

Example sentences that contain Eniola in chinese:

Eniola's friend has four books


āiníàolā de péngyǒu yǒu sì běn shū

Eniola's favorite fruit is the apple


āiníàolā zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì píngguǒ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Sherwyn 舍温
Vita 维他
Izahya 伊扎亚
Husain 侯赛因
Ailin 艾琳
Ngaruye 纳鲁耶
Messer 梅塞尔
Kit 成套工具
Hilser 希尔瑟
Qing Li 李青

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