Your name in chinese Epic

How is Epic written in chinese?

Epic in simplified chinese:


Epic in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Epic in chinese?

Epic transcribed to pinyin:

shǐ shī

Pronunciation of Epic in chinese:

Picture of the name Epic in chinese:

The name Epic in chinese characters

Meaning of Epic characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
history, chronicle, annals
poetry; poem, verse, ode

Example sentences that contain Epic in chinese:

Epic wants to go to United Kingdom


shǐshī xiǎng qù yīngguó

Epic has given two motorcycles a Lobaton


shǐshī gěi luòbādùn sòngle liǎng liàng mótuōchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Yena 耶娜
Daria 达里亚
Isabela Muller 伊莎贝拉·穆勒
Malo 吗罗
Iker Jesus 伊克尔耶稣
Vega 维加
Dimitrius 迪米特里乌斯
Ambre 安布尔
Jannete 珍妮特
Erza 艾尔莎

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