Your name in chinese Epic
How is Epic written in chinese?
Epic in simplified chinese:
Epic in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Epic in chinese?
Epic transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Epic in chinese:
Picture of the name Epic in chinese:

Meaning of Epic characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
史 | history, chronicle, annals |
诗 | poetry; poem, verse, ode |
Example sentences that contain Epic in chinese:
Epic wants to go to United Kingdom
Epic has given two motorcycles a Lobaton
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Yena | 耶娜 |
Daria | 达里亚 |
Isabela Muller | 伊莎贝拉·穆勒 |
Malo | 吗罗 |
Iker Jesus | 伊克尔耶稣 |
Vega | 维加 |
Dimitrius | 迪米特里乌斯 |
Ambre | 安布尔 |
Jannete | 珍妮特 |
Erza | 艾尔莎 |