Your name in chinese Epifania
How is Epifania written in chinese?
Epifania in simplified chinese:
Epifania in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Epifania in chinese?
Epifania transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Epifania in chinese:
Picture of the name Epifania in chinese:

Meaning of Epifania characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
主 | master, chief owner; host; lord |
显 | manifest, display; evident, clear |
节 | knot, node, joint; section |
Example sentences that contain Epifania in chinese:
Epifania has given five trees a Lindsay
Epifania's friend has five trees
Epifania now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Epifania in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Xohana | 霍哈纳 |
Lionhart | 莱昂哈特 |
Marcela | 马塞拉 |
Abey | 阿贝 |
Sara | 莎拉 |
Zipporah | 西坡拉 |
Zipporah | 西坡拉 |
Albertho | 阿尔贝托 |
Ivetka | 伊维特卡 |
Taimia | 泰米亚 |