Your name in chinese Epifania

How is Epifania written in chinese?

Epifania in simplified chinese:


Epifania in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Epifania in chinese?

Epifania transcribed to pinyin:

zhǔ xiǎn jié

Pronunciation of Epifania in chinese:

Picture of the name Epifania in chinese:

The name Epifania in chinese characters

Meaning of Epifania characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
master, chief owner; host; lord
manifest, display; evident, clear
knot, node, joint; section

Example sentences that contain Epifania in chinese:

Epifania has given five trees a Lindsay


zhǔxiǎnjié gěi línsài sòngle wǔ kē shù

Epifania's friend has five trees


zhǔxiǎnjié de péngyǒu yǒu wǔ kē shù

Epifania now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Xohana 霍哈纳
Lionhart 莱昂哈特
Marcela 马塞拉
Abey 阿贝
Sara 莎拉
Zipporah 西坡拉
Zipporah 西坡拉
Albertho 阿尔贝托
Ivetka 伊维特卡
Taimia 泰米亚

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