Your name in chinese Escarlet
How is Escarlet written in chinese?
Escarlet in simplified chinese:
Escarlet in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Escarlet in chinese?
Escarlet transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Escarlet in chinese:
Picture of the name Escarlet in chinese:

Meaning of Escarlet characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
蜗 | a snail, Eulota callizoma |
牛 | cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 |
Example sentences that contain Escarlet in chinese:
Escarlet's favorite fruit is the apple
Escarlet and Zoran are very good friends
Escarlet now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Escarlet in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Petr | 彼得 |
Rym | 雷姆 |
Aimen | 艾门 |
Manoe | 马诺 |
Lakeisha | 莱克沙 |
Dagliya | 达利亚 |
Audrey Elisa | 奥黛丽艾丽莎 |
Eylul | 埃卢尔 |
Kathrine | 凯瑟琳 |
Ezzoreon | 埃佐瑞恩 |