Your name in chinese Espion

How is Espion written in chinese?

Espion in simplified chinese:


Espion in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Espion in chinese?

Espion transcribed to pinyin:

jiān dié

Pronunciation of Espion in chinese:

Picture of the name Espion in chinese:

The name Espion in chinese characters

Meaning of Espion characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
midpoint, space; place, locality
an intelligence report; to spy; spying

Example sentences that contain Espion in chinese:

Espion is studying english


jiāndié zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Espion's favorite color is blue


jiāndié zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ranveer 兰维尔
Sema 塞玛
Tagz 塔兹
Yohann 约翰
Modibo 莫迪博
Annalena 安娜莱娜
Qin Ran 秦然
Geheze 格赫泽
Elenora 埃莱诺拉
Kaythlin 凯斯林

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