Your name in chinese Espion
How is Espion written in chinese?
Espion in simplified chinese:
Espion in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Espion in chinese?
Espion transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Espion in chinese:
Picture of the name Espion in chinese:

Meaning of Espion characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
间 | midpoint, space; place, locality |
谍 | an intelligence report; to spy; spying |
Example sentences that contain Espion in chinese:
Espion and Carpen are very good friends
Espion's favorite fruit is the handle
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Albine | 阿尔宾 |
Muhammet | 穆罕默德 |
Hendra | 亨德拉 |
Iorna | 约尔娜 |
Hadi | 哈迪 |
Jeannine | 珍妮 |
Jhoan | 约翰 |
Rodolfo Davila | 鲁道夫·达维拉 |
Rohan | 罗汉 |
Fernando Manuel | 费尔南多·曼努埃尔 |