Your name in chinese Fall
How is Fall written in chinese?
Fall in simplified chinese:
Fall in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Fall in chinese?
Fall transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Fall in chinese:
Picture of the name Fall in chinese:

Meaning of Fall characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
落 | fall, drop; net income, surplus |
下 | under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down |
Example sentences that contain Fall in chinese:
Fall's favorite color is red
Fall has given nine cats a Kreilyn
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Collette | 科莱特 |
Ollivier | 奥利维尔 |
Newton | 牛顿 |
Nassira | 纳西拉 |
Kratos | 奎托斯 |
Nuo | 诺 |
Yssac | 伊萨克 |
Kofi | 科菲 |
Blessed | 祝福 |
Jean Christophe | 让·克里斯托夫 |