Your name in chinese Farah Haikal

How is Farah Haikal written in chinese?

Farah Haikal in simplified chinese:


Farah Haikal in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Farah Haikal in chinese?

Farah Haikal transcribed to pinyin:

fǎ lā hǎi qiǎ ěr

Pronunciation of Farah Haikal in chinese:

Picture of the name Farah Haikal in chinese:

The name Farah Haikal in chinese characters

Meaning of Farah Haikal characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
sea, ocean; maritime
card, punch card; calorie
you; that, those; final particle

Example sentences that contain Farah Haikal in chinese:

Farah Haikal has given eight cars a Karizza


fǎlāhǎiqiǎěr gěi qiǎlǐzā sòngle bā liàng chē

Farah Haikal is studying english


fǎlāhǎiqiǎěr zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Eligio 埃利吉奥
Norbu 诺布
Fortune 财富
Julianne 朱莉安
Keiron 凯龙
Scarlette 斯卡莱特
Exellino 埃克塞利诺
Fachri 法赫里
Vela 贝拉
Kumar 库马尔

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