Your name in chinese Fasone
How is Fasone written in chinese?
Fasone in simplified chinese:
Fasone in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Fasone in chinese?
Fasone transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Fasone in chinese:
Picture of the name Fasone in chinese:

Meaning of Fasone characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
法 | law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French |
松 | pine tree; fir tree |
Example sentences that contain Fasone in chinese:
Fasone and Balthy are very good friends
Fasone's friend has four motorcycles
Fasone now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Fasone in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Manuel Ignacio | 曼努埃尔·伊格纳西奥 |
Foxy | 狡猾的 |
Ann Mei | 安梅 |
Aleran | 阿莱兰 |
Jeannine | 珍妮 |
Orisa | 奥丽莎 |
Jamer | 贾默 |
Yoss | 约斯 |
Bataz | 巴塔兹 |
Gokhan | 高坎 |