Your name in chinese Fee
How is Fee written in chinese?
Fee in simplified chinese:
Fee in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Fee in chinese?
Fee transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Fee in chinese:
Picture of the name Fee in chinese:

Meaning of Fee characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
费 | expenses, expenditures, fee |
Example sentences that contain Fee in chinese:
Fee's friend has five houses
Fee and Trace are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Shang | 尚 |
Vinicio | 维尼西奥 |
Emanuele | 伊曼纽尔 |
Roikel | 罗克尔 |
Janic | 贾尼奇 |
Adeleia | 阿黛莉亚 |
Jeanne Marie | 珍妮玛丽 |
Dubourg | 杜堡 |
Stallion | 斯塔李哦呢 |
Fergus | 弗格斯 |