Your name in chinese Felipe

How is Felipe written in chinese?

Felipe in simplified chinese:


Felipe in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Felipe in chinese?

Felipe transcribed to pinyin:

fēi lì pǔ

Pronunciation of Felipe in chinese:

Picture of the name Felipe in chinese:

The name Felipe in chinese characters

Meaning of Felipe characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
fragrant, luxuriant; the Philippines
gains, advantage, profit, merit
universal, general, widespread

Example sentences that contain Felipe in chinese:

Felipe has given seven books a Labone


fēilìpǔ gěi lābóēn sòngle qī běn shū

Felipe wants to go to USA


fēilìpǔ xiǎng qù měiguó

Felipe now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Cokuni 科国
Charlyne 查琳
Miembro 米布罗
Rayhane 雷汉
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Saint Jean 圣让

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