Your name in chinese Felonius

How is Felonius written in chinese?

Felonius in simplified chinese:


Felonius in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Felonius in chinese?

Felonius transcribed to pinyin:

zhòng zuì

Pronunciation of Felonius in chinese:

Picture of the name Felonius in chinese:

The name Felonius in chinese characters

Meaning of Felonius characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
heavy, weighty; double
crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship

Example sentences that contain Felonius in chinese:

Felonius's friend has eight motorcycles


zhòngzuì de péngyǒu yǒu bā liàng mótuōchē

Felonius is studying french


zhòngzuì zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Adem 阿德姆
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Tom 汤姆
Brillit 布里利特

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