Your name in chinese Fontanger

How is Fontanger written in chinese?

Fontanger in simplified chinese:


Fontanger in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Fontanger in chinese?

Fontanger transcribed to pinyin:

fāng tǎn gé

Pronunciation of Fontanger in chinese:

Picture of the name Fontanger in chinese:

The name Fontanger in chinese characters

Meaning of Fontanger characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
a square, rectangle; a region; local
flat, smooth; self-possessed
pattern, standard, form; style

Example sentences that contain Fontanger in chinese:

Fontanger has given eight motorcycles a Sarahi


fāngtǎngé gěi sālāxī sòngle bā liàng mótuōchē

Fontanger wants to go to China


fāngtǎngé xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Oana 奥纳
Dawneva 道涅娃
Isetb 伊塞特b
Borya 博里亚
Yassine 亚辛
Deakon 迪康
Janic 贾尼奇
Ronan Carstens 罗南·卡斯滕斯
Nara 奈良
Sesil 塞西尔

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