Your name in chinese Forest

How is Forest written in chinese?

Forest in simplified chinese:


Forest in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Forest in chinese?

Forest transcribed to pinyin:

sēn lín

Pronunciation of Forest in chinese:

Picture of the name Forest in chinese:

The name Forest in chinese characters

Meaning of Forest characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
forest; luxuriant vegetation
forest, grove; surname

Example sentences that contain Forest in chinese:

Forest's favorite color is white


sēnlín zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì báisè

Forest has given ten books a Raisha


sēnlín gěi làishā sòngle shí běn shū

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Amran 阿姆兰
Satine 萨蒂娜
Shalondafuller 莎朗达富勒
Unno 海野
Lara 拉拉
Eslem 埃斯莱姆
Manuel Francisco 曼努埃尔·弗朗西斯科
Kiera 基耶拉
Lamine 拉明

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