Your name in chinese Francisco Angel

How is Francisco Angel written in chinese?

Francisco Angel in simplified chinese:


Francisco Angel in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Francisco Angel in chinese?

Francisco Angel transcribed to pinyin:

jiù jīn shān tiān shǐ

Pronunciation of Francisco Angel in chinese:

Picture of the name Francisco Angel in chinese:

The name Francisco Angel in chinese characters

Meaning of Francisco Angel characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
old, ancient; former, past
gold; metals in general; money
mountain, hill, peak
sky, heaven; god, celestial
使 cause, send on a mission, order; envoy, messenger, ambassador

Example sentences that contain Francisco Angel in chinese:

Francisco Angel's favorite fruit is the peach


jiùjīnshāntiānshǐ zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì táozi

Francisco Angel is studying english


jiùjīnshāntiānshǐ zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Francisco Angel now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Kaina 凯娜
Tsuanyo 三阳
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Gersende 格森德
Games 游戏
Chambo 尚博
Gabriele 加布里埃尔

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