Your name in chinese Fredrich

How is Fredrich written in chinese?

Fredrich in simplified chinese:


Fredrich in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Fredrich in chinese?

Fredrich transcribed to pinyin:

fú léi dé lǐ xī

Pronunciation of Fredrich in chinese:

Picture of the name Fredrich in chinese:

The name Fredrich in chinese characters

Meaning of Fredrich characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
not, negative
ethics, morality, virtue
unit of distance; village; lane
rare; hope, expect, strive for

Example sentences that contain Fredrich in chinese:

Fredrich wants to go to Russia


fúléidélǐxī xiǎng qù éguó

Fredrich is studying french


fúléidélǐxī zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Fredrich now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Sylvestre 西尔维斯特
Marouan 马鲁安
Anne Cecile 安妮·塞西尔
Kiri 基里
Panha 潘哈
Yaretzi 亚雷齐
Andromeda 仙女座
Cebra 塞布拉
Prakash 普拉卡什
Kaisha 凯莎

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