Your name in chinese Frenanda

How is Frenanda written in chinese?

Frenanda in simplified chinese:


Frenanda in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Frenanda in chinese?

Frenanda transcribed to pinyin:

fú léi nán dá

Pronunciation of Frenanda in chinese:

Picture of the name Frenanda in chinese:

The name Frenanda in chinese characters

Meaning of Frenanda characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
not, negative
south; southern part; southward
arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery

Example sentences that contain Frenanda in chinese:

Frenanda has given seven cats a Namhei


fúléinándá gěi nánhēi sòngle qī zhī māo

Frenanda's favorite color is black


fúléinándá zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hēisè

Frenanda now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Duarte 杜阿尔特
Bela 贝拉
Leaf 叶子
Atticus 阿迪克斯
Yuliet 尤利特
Maryori 玛丽奥里
Gunar 古纳尔
Almanza 阿尔曼萨
Regitz 雷吉茨
Emory 埃默里

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