Your name in chinese Fuzhen

How is Fuzhen written in chinese?

Fuzhen in simplified chinese:


Fuzhen in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Fuzhen in chinese?

Fuzhen transcribed to pinyin:

fú zhèn

Pronunciation of Fuzhen in chinese:

Picture of the name Fuzhen in chinese:

The name Fuzhen in chinese characters

Meaning of Fuzhen characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
happiness, good fortune, blessing
town, market place; suppress

Example sentences that contain Fuzhen in chinese:

Fuzhen's favorite color is black


fúzhèn zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hēisè

Fuzhen has given five houses a Nica


fúzhèn gěi níqiǎ sòngle wǔ jiān fángzi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Polly 波莉
Gwyneth 格温妮丝
Caty 凯蒂
Gresham 格雷舍姆
Anthonella 安东内拉
Ritesh 里特什
Matrhew 马修
Jianfei 剑飞
Allybae 艾丽贝

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