Your name in chinese Garuzaki

How is Garuzaki written in chinese?

Garuzaki in simplified chinese:


Garuzaki in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Garuzaki in chinese?

Garuzaki transcribed to pinyin:

qīng qí

Pronunciation of Garuzaki in chinese:

Picture of the name Garuzaki in chinese:

The name Garuzaki in chinese characters

Meaning of Garuzaki characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
light; easy, simple; gentle
rough, uneven, jagged, rugged

Example sentences that contain Garuzaki in chinese:

Garuzaki and Abdoulaye are very good friends


qīngqí hé ābǔdùlāyé shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Garuzaki's friend has seven motorcycles


qīngqí de péngyǒu yǒu qī liàng mótuōchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Lavith 拉维思
Xugeng 徐耕
Suerte 苏尔特
Danai 达奈
Archibald 阿奇博尔德
Yelsy 耶尔西
Rosa Victoria 罗莎维多利亚
Alexine 亚历克辛
Rosane 罗珊娜

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