Your name in chinese Gatien

How is Gatien written in chinese?

Gatien in simplified chinese:


Gatien in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Gatien in chinese?

Gatien transcribed to pinyin:

jiā dì ān

Pronunciation of Gatien in chinese:

Picture of the name Gatien in chinese:

The name Gatien in chinese characters

Meaning of Gatien characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
add to, increase, augment
peduncle or stem of plants
peaceful, tranquil, quiet

Example sentences that contain Gatien in chinese:

Gatien and Minahil are very good friends


jiādìān hé mǐnàxīěr shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Gatien wants to go to United Kingdom


jiādìān xiǎng qù yīngguó

Gatien now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Gatien in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Caitriona 凯特里奥娜
Amy Leigh 艾米·利
Nyah 尼亚
Laureano 劳雷亚诺
Alain 阿兰
Keila 凯拉
May Lynn 梅林恩
Ronni 罗尼
Shub 舒布
Coy 腼腆

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