Your name in chinese Geisha

How is Geisha written in chinese?

Geisha in simplified chinese:


Geisha in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Geisha in chinese?

Geisha transcribed to pinyin:

yì jì

Pronunciation of Geisha in chinese:

Picture of the name Geisha in chinese:

The name Geisha in chinese characters

Meaning of Geisha characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
art; talent, ability; craft

Example sentences that contain Geisha in chinese:

Geisha has given three houses a Amanda Lynn


yìjì gěi āmàndá·línēn sòngle sān jiān fángzi

Geisha is studying russian


yìjì zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Koppenhaver 科本哈弗
Leyann 莱扬
Maria Ignacia 玛丽亚·伊格纳西亚
Ifaz 伊法兹
Cendrine 森德琳
Anunae 凤眼目
Assafa 阿萨法
Mingming 明明
Wenceslao 瓦茨拉夫

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