Your name in chinese Gelante

How is Gelante written in chinese?

Gelante in simplified chinese:


Gelante in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Gelante in chinese?

Gelante transcribed to pinyin:

gé lán tè

Pronunciation of Gelante in chinese:

Picture of the name Gelante in chinese:

The name Gelante in chinese characters

Meaning of Gelante characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
pattern, standard, form; style
orchid; elegant, graceful
special, unique, distinguished

Example sentences that contain Gelante in chinese:

Gelante wants to go to China


gélántè xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Gelante's favorite fruit is the strawberry


gélántè zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì cǎoméi

Gelante now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Gelante in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Shuting 树亭
Tanwir 坦维尔
Covid 冠状病毒病
Antonio David 安东尼奥·戴维
Violeta Corona 紫罗兰科罗娜
Scarlt Endo 斯嘉特·远藤
Soline 索林
Hayten 海腾
Via 通过
Yeseni 叶塞尼

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