Your name in chinese Genalin
How is Genalin written in chinese?
Genalin in simplified chinese:
Genalin in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Genalin in chinese?
Genalin transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Genalin in chinese:
Picture of the name Genalin in chinese:

Meaning of Genalin characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
吉 | lucky, propitious, good |
林 | forest, grove; surname |
Example sentences that contain Genalin in chinese:
Genalin's favorite fruit is the apple
Genalin has given ten books a Nicole Eleonor
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Bradford | 布拉德福德 |
Jael | 耶尔 |
Monia | 莫妮亚 |
Kemp | 坎普 |
Izaysha | 伊扎伊莎 |
Gems | 宝石 |
Trev | 特雷夫 |
Eusebia | 欧西亚 |
Domie | 多米 |
Abubakar | 阿布巴卡尔 |