Your name in chinese Gerrero

How is Gerrero written in chinese?

Gerrero in simplified chinese:


Gerrero in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Gerrero in chinese?

Gerrero transcribed to pinyin:

gé léi luó

Pronunciation of Gerrero in chinese:

Picture of the name Gerrero in chinese:

The name Gerrero in chinese characters

Meaning of Gerrero characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
pattern, standard, form; style
net for catching birds; gauze

Example sentences that contain Gerrero in chinese:

Gerrero's favorite fruit is the tomato


géléiluó zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì fānqié

Gerrero wants to go to United Kingdom


géléiluó xiǎng qù yīngguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Adriana Claudia 阿德里安娜克劳迪娅
Ivie 艾维
Yuyuan 豫园
Tano 田野
Enara 恩那拉
Narci 纳尔奇
Laura Perez 劳拉·佩雷斯
Jaymark 杰马克
Mabel 马贝尔
Caires 凯雷斯

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