Your name in chinese Gikdel

How is Gikdel written in chinese?

Gikdel in simplified chinese:


Gikdel in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Gikdel in chinese?

Gikdel transcribed to pinyin:

jí kè dé ěr

Pronunciation of Gikdel in chinese:

Picture of the name Gikdel in chinese:

The name Gikdel in chinese characters

Meaning of Gikdel characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
lucky, propitious, good
gram; overcome; transliteration
ethics, morality, virtue
you; that, those; final particle

Example sentences that contain Gikdel in chinese:

Gikdel wants to go to China


jíkèdéěr xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Gikdel is studying russian


jíkèdéěr zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Hikki 希基
Kux 库克斯
Achilla 阿基拉
Yanizel 亚尼泽尔
Melya 梅利亚
Serda 塞尔达
Alli 阿里
Grootvader 古鲁特维德
Ramdan 拉姆丹
Jeffersson 杰佛逊

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