Your name in chinese Gitte
How is Gitte written in chinese?
Gitte in simplified chinese:
Gitte in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Gitte in chinese?
Gitte transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Gitte in chinese:
Picture of the name Gitte in chinese:

Meaning of Gitte characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
吉 | lucky, propitious, good |
特 | special, unique, distinguished |
Example sentences that contain Gitte in chinese:
Gitte is studying italian
Gitte wants to go to Peru
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Dincy | 丁西 |
Beatriz | 比阿特丽斯 |
Mandi | 曼迪 |
Ereshkigal | 埃雷什基加尔 |
Milagrosa | 神奇 |
Zakura | 樱 |
Emlili | 埃姆利 |
Kori Wallace | 科里·华莱士 |
Stiven | 史蒂文 |
Zaiya | 再亚 |