Your name in chinese Given Goba

How is Given Goba written in chinese?

Given Goba in simplified chinese:


Given Goba in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Given Goba in chinese?

Given Goba transcribed to pinyin:

jiàn yú gē bā

Pronunciation of Given Goba in chinese:

Picture of the name Given Goba in chinese:

The name Given Goba in chinese characters

Meaning of Given Goba characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
mirror, looking glass; reflect
in, on, at; go to; surname
halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62
greatly desire, anxiously hope

Example sentences that contain Given Goba in chinese:

Given Goba and Maricruz are very good friends


jiànyúgēbā hé mǎlǐkèlǔsī shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Given Goba's favorite color is pink


jiànyúgēbā zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì fěnsè

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ulilses 尤利西斯
Chetharina 切塔里娜
Doryan 多里安
Haily 海利
Trinidad Ignacia 特立尼达伊格纳西亚
Moonlight 月光
Sharom 沙龙
Aglae 阿格莱
Keylian 凯莉安
Melvin 梅尔文

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