Your name in chinese Glen
How is Glen written in chinese?
Glen in simplified chinese:
Glen in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Glen in chinese?
Glen transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Glen in chinese:
Picture of the name Glen in chinese:

Meaning of Glen characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
格 | pattern, standard, form; style |
伦 | normal human relationships |
Example sentences that contain Glen in chinese:
Glen is studying english
Glen has given two cats a Maaliyah
Glen now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Glen in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Nadhrah | 纳德拉 |
Zivia | 齐维亚 |
Braelyn | 布雷林 |
Rocky | 罗剋 |
Tomias | 托米亚斯 |
Senki | 战记 |
Marjory | 玛乔丽 |
Cristino | 克里斯蒂诺 |
Auxence | 奥克斯 |
Francibel | 弗朗西贝尔 |