Your name in chinese Go Hok
How is Go Hok written in chinese?
Go Hok in simplified chinese:
Go Hok in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Go Hok in chinese?
Go Hok transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Go Hok in chinese:
Picture of the name Go Hok in chinese:

Meaning of Go Hok characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
高 | high, tall; lofty, elevated |
学 | learning, knowledge; school |
Example sentences that contain Go Hok in chinese:
Go Hok's favorite fruit is the pear
Go Hok wants to go to Italy
Go Hok now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Go Hok in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Karima | 卡里玛 |
Uchiha Itachi | 宇智波鼬 |
Ulas | 乌拉斯 |
Limbert | 林伯特 |
Ashia | 阿夏 |
Domenico | 多梅尼科 |
El Mehdi | 迈赫迪 |
Xav | 哈夫 |
Nelly | 妮莉 |
Ourus | 乌鲁斯 |