Your name in chinese Gohan
How is Gohan written in chinese?
Gohan in simplified chinese:
Gohan in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Gohan in chinese?
Gohan transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Gohan in chinese:
Picture of the name Gohan in chinese:

Meaning of Gohan characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
悟 | to apprehend, realize, become aware |
饭 | cooked rice; food, meal |
Example sentences that contain Gohan in chinese:
Gohan's favorite color is white
Gohan wants to go to USA
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Victor Antonio | 维克多·安东尼奥 |
Sofija | 索菲亚 |
Vainqueur | 万克尔 |
Mable | 马布尔 |
Kitana | 北名 |
Dwight | 德怀特 |
Tylar | 泰拉 |
Fabiola | 法比奥拉 |
Kelin | 科林 |
Prabowo | 普拉博沃 |