Your name in chinese Gojo

How is Gojo written in chinese?

Gojo in simplified chinese:


Gojo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Gojo in chinese?

Gojo transcribed to pinyin:

wǔ tiáo

Pronunciation of Gojo in chinese:

Picture of the name Gojo in chinese:

The name Gojo in chinese characters

Meaning of Gojo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
five; surname
clause, condition; string, stripe

Example sentences that contain Gojo in chinese:

Gojo's favorite fruit is the handle


wǔtiáo zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì mángguǒ

Gojo wants to go to United Kingdom


wǔtiáo xiǎng qù yīngguó

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Madrid 马德里
Alexina 亚历克西娜
Delores 德洛丽丝
Analeigh 安娜莱
Honey Tamimi 蜂蜜塔米米
Charlyne 查琳
Ama 阿玛
Eitan 艾坦
Hayes 海斯
Charming 迷人

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