Your name in chinese Gordillo
How is Gordillo written in chinese?
Gordillo in simplified chinese:
Gordillo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Gordillo in chinese?
Gordillo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Gordillo in chinese:
Picture of the name Gordillo in chinese:

Meaning of Gordillo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
胖 | fat, obese; fatty |
乎 | interrogative or exclamatory final particle |
乎 | interrogative or exclamatory final particle |
的 | possessive, adjectival suffix |
Example sentences that contain Gordillo in chinese:
Gordillo's favorite color is red
Gordillo has given three bikes a Yerith
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Chaca | 查卡 |
Myat | 妙 |
Bassam | 巴萨姆 |
Jorge Jose | 豪尔赫·何塞 |
Malani | 玛拉妮 |
Miuly | 缪利 |
Rosa Delia | 罗莎·迪莉亚 |
Parker Ryan | 帕克瑞恩 |
Quines | 奎因斯 |
Stroud | 斯特劳德 |