Your name in chinese Grand
How is Grand written in chinese?
Grand in simplified chinese:
Grand in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Grand in chinese?
Grand transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Grand in chinese:
Picture of the name Grand in chinese:

Meaning of Grand characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
大 | big, great, vast, large, high |
Example sentences that contain Grand in chinese:
Grand's favorite fruit is the apple
Grand has given six watches a Sylviz
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Muhammed | 穆罕默德 |
Polina | 波丽娜 |
Elf | 精灵 |
Noria | 诺里亚 |
Wader | 涉水者 |
Rosane | 罗珊娜 |
Devlyn | 德夫林 |
Jose Julio | 何塞·朱利奥 |
Quentin | 昆汀 |
Juelz | 朱尔兹 |