Your name in chinese Greek
How is Greek written in chinese?
Greek in simplified chinese:
Greek in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Greek in chinese?
Greek transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Greek in chinese:
Picture of the name Greek in chinese:

Meaning of Greek characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
希 | rare; hope, expect, strive for |
腊 | year end sacrifice; dried meat |
语 | language, words; saying, expression |
Example sentences that contain Greek in chinese:
Greek and Ningning are very good friends
Greek's favorite fruit is the pineapple
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Growing Sprout | 成长中的新芽 |
Kennidie | 肯尼迪 |
Higgins | 希金斯 |
Yonny | 永尼 |
Lison | 利森 |
Ixchel | 伊舍尔 |
Itamar | 伊塔马尔 |
Anaya Mai | 安娜亚·麦 |
Zafar | 扎法尔 |
Djilali | 吉拉利 |