Your name in chinese Guora

How is Guora written in chinese?

Guora in simplified chinese:


Guora in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Guora in chinese?

Guora transcribed to pinyin:

guō lā

Pronunciation of Guora in chinese:

Picture of the name Guora in chinese:

The name Guora in chinese characters

Meaning of Guora characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
outer part (of a city); surname
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen

Example sentences that contain Guora in chinese:

Guora has given two books a Shima


guōlā gěi zhìmó sòngle liǎng běn shū

Guora and Shima are very good friends


guōlā hé zhìmó shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Guora now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Betty Toth 贝蒂托特
Brayg 布雷格
Husain 侯赛因
Katty Anne 凯蒂安妮
Leona 莱昂娜
Ankita 安基塔
Gelotin 明胶
Bridgette 布里奇特
Yidan 一单
Kana 卡拿

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