Your name in chinese Gustavo Hung

How is Gustavo Hung written in chinese?

Gustavo Hung in simplified chinese:


Gustavo Hung in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Gustavo Hung in chinese?

Gustavo Hung transcribed to pinyin:

gǔ sī tǎ wò hóng

Pronunciation of Gustavo Hung in chinese:

Picture of the name Gustavo Hung in chinese:

The name Gustavo Hung in chinese characters

Meaning of Gustavo Hung characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
old, classic, ancient
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
tower, spire, tall building
water, irrigate; fertile, rich
· Meaning not available
vast, immense; flood, deluge

Example sentences that contain Gustavo Hung in chinese:

Gustavo Hung is studying english


gǔsītǎwòhóng zhèngzài xuéxí yīngyǔ

Gustavo Hung's friend has seven trees


gǔsītǎwòhóng de péngyǒu yǒu qī kē shù

Gustavo Hung now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Jamilah 贾米拉
Maykol 迈科尔
Rebbeca 丽贝卡
Lusi 露丝
Fatema Zahra 法特玛·扎赫拉
Fabienne Zuijderhoff 法比安·祖伊德霍夫

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