Your name in chinese Gyuhee
How is Gyuhee written in chinese?
Gyuhee in simplified chinese:
Gyuhee in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Gyuhee in chinese?
Gyuhee transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Gyuhee in chinese:
Picture of the name Gyuhee in chinese:

Meaning of Gyuhee characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
圭 | jade pointed at top |
熙 | bright, splendid, glorious |
Example sentences that contain Gyuhee in chinese:
Gyuhee's friend has seven watches
Gyuhee's favorite fruit is the orange
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Anthonio | 安东尼奥 |
Vilte | 维尔特 |
Fernande | 费尔南德 |
Theau | 陶 |
Natasya | 娜塔莎 |
Tahis | 塔希斯 |
Etta | 埃塔 |
Sarah Monique | 莎拉·莫妮克 |
Ronan Carstens | 罗南·卡斯滕斯 |
Joan Ramon | 琼·拉蒙 |