Your name in chinese Hallel

How is Hallel written in chinese?

Hallel in simplified chinese:


Hallel in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Hallel in chinese?

Hallel transcribed to pinyin:

hā léi ěr

Pronunciation of Hallel in chinese:

Picture of the name Hallel in chinese:

The name Hallel in chinese characters

Meaning of Hallel characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sound of laughter
you; that, those; final particle

Example sentences that contain Hallel in chinese:

Hallel's favorite color is blue


hāléiěr zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Hallel has given ten televisions a Jotaro


hāléiěr gěi chéngtàiláng sòngle shí tái diànshì

Hallel now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Ahymee 艾希米
Ceres 谷神星
Amielee 阿米莉
Apolinar 阿波利纳尔
Marika 玛丽卡
Goerlitz 格尔利茨
Maria Gracia 玛丽亚·格蕾丝
Jannali 詹纳利
Miyu 美优
Lynnette 林内特

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