Your name in chinese Hanada

How is Hanada written in chinese?

Hanada in simplified chinese:


Hanada in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Hanada in chinese?

Hanada transcribed to pinyin:

huā tián

Pronunciation of Hanada in chinese:

Picture of the name Hanada in chinese:

The name Hanada in chinese characters

Meaning of Hanada characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
flower; blossoms
field, arable land, cultivated

Example sentences that contain Hanada in chinese:

Hanada has given two televisions a Johari


huātián gěi qiáohālǐ sòngle liǎng tái diànshì

Hanada's favorite fruit is the apple


huātián zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì píngguǒ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Mary Anne 玛丽安妮
Jonothen 乔诺森
Rithuan 立陶宛
Restu 恢复
Aghate 阿加特
Clem 克莱姆
Djemel 杰梅尔
Raven Cortez 乌鸦科尔特斯
Zuo La 左拉
Bryana 布赖安娜

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