Your name in chinese Hanada
How is Hanada written in chinese?
Hanada in simplified chinese:
Hanada in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Hanada in chinese?
Hanada transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Hanada in chinese:
Picture of the name Hanada in chinese:

Meaning of Hanada characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
花 | flower; blossoms |
田 | field, arable land, cultivated |
Example sentences that contain Hanada in chinese:
Hanada has given two televisions a Johari
Hanada's favorite fruit is the apple
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mary Anne | 玛丽安妮 |
Jonothen | 乔诺森 |
Rithuan | 立陶宛 |
Restu | 恢复 |
Aghate | 阿加特 |
Clem | 克莱姆 |
Djemel | 杰梅尔 |
Raven Cortez | 乌鸦科尔特斯 |
Zuo La | 左拉 |
Bryana | 布赖安娜 |