Your name in chinese Hans Rulo

How is Hans Rulo written in chinese?

Hans Rulo in simplified chinese:


Hans Rulo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Hans Rulo in chinese?

Hans Rulo transcribed to pinyin:

hàn sī · lǔ luò

Pronunciation of Hans Rulo in chinese:

Picture of the name Hans Rulo in chinese:

The name Hans Rulo in chinese characters

Meaning of Hans Rulo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Chinese people; Chinese language
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
· Meaning not available
foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
river in Shanxi province; city

Example sentences that contain Hans Rulo in chinese:

Hans Rulo has given seven cars a Kailan


hànsī·lǔluò gěi kǎilán sòngle qī liàng chē

Hans Rulo and Kailan are very good friends


hànsī·lǔluò hé kǎilán shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Hans Rulo now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Haddachi 八达基
Draco 德拉科
Edvin 埃德文
Amina 阿米娜
Rodenkirch 罗登基希
Shelly 雪莉
Observe 观察
John Cena 约翰塞纳
Kovac 科瓦奇
Ionica 爱奥妮卡

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